Where Can I Send Christmas Cards To Recovering Soldiers

Where Can I Send Christmas Cards To Recovering Soldiers – hugs for soldiers is accepting care packages and christmas cards through nov. the deadline for sending cards is december 1st, and they must be mailed to the following address: A recovering american soldier, c/o walter reed. There really is a way for anyone to send holiday greetings to wounded.

Where Can I Send Christmas Cards To Recovering Soldiers

Send Christmas cards to deployed soldiers. Holiday mailing, Holiday
Send Christmas cards to deployed soldiers. Holiday mailing, Holiday from www.pinterest.com

There really is a way for anyone to send holiday greetings to wounded. when filling out your christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address:

Where Can I Send Christmas Cards To Recovering Soldiers Jilly's Jewels Christmas Cards for Soldiers from my Students

  • donate our goal the primary goal of holiday cards for our military challenge is the collection and delivery of personalized,.
  • A recovering american soldier, c/o walter reed.
  • Fairfax, va 22031 because of the influx of holiday cards, the red cross encourages donating holiday cards to the local.
  • operation christmas cards for troops overseas.
  • “when filling out your christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address: